Dairy-Free Peanut Butter Apple Ice Cream
Well, y’all, it looks like you might be getting a lot more dairy-free recipes around here. You might remember that I mentioned a few weeks ago that I’d been skipping the dairy for a while to decide if I was lactose intolerant. The verdict is out. Definitely lactose intolerant. Which meeeeaaaannns…
Cinnamon Apple Oatmeal
I know what you’re probably thinking. “Seriously? This girl is telling us about oats again?”
Fresh Apple Cake: A Recipe from My Grandma
When I was little, I once asked my grandpa to make me a ham & jelly sandwich. He obliged because grandparents do things like that, and upon asking me how it had turned out, I replied, “Quite tasty!”
Apple Chicken Salad
Happy Tuesday! I’m stopping to catch my breath and reflect after finishing up another round of camp last week. I’m amazed at how much love and joy and GRACE the Lord gave us in carrying us through these weeks.