
  • Breakfast,  Snacks

    Chocolate Chai Granola

    There are approximately 1,398,426 varieties of granola available at Kroger.  I know this because every time I stand in the aisle where the granola is found, I stare at the selection for nearly five minutes before walking away empty-handed.

  • Breakfast

    Mango Coconut Oatmeal

    This began as an ordinary experimental breakfast, but once Oliver and I had each taken a bite of it, I was running for my camera so I could share it with you all.

  • Breakfast

    Orange Spice Oatmeal

    You know how sometimes you’re just reading a book one night and suddenly you start thinking about oatmeal?  And then you get an idea for exactly how you want to make that bowl of oatmeal, and before you know it, you can’t even pay attention to your book because you’re too focused on the potential for a bowl of oats?

  • Breakfast,  Drinks

    Ginger Carrot Smoothie

    In case you haven’t opened up Pinterest or Instagram lately, I’ll catch you up on the latest: Smoothies have relocated.  They live in bowls now.  With toppings.