
  • Breakfast

    Morning Glory Oatmeal

    I’m back at it again with the oatmeal, y’all. Actually, I can’t say I ever stopped–I just haven’t shared an oatmeal recipe with you in a few months.

  • Breakfast

    Muffaletta Breakfast Casserole

    I wish I could tell you that careful planning went into presenting this New Orleans-inspired breakfast recipe to you the week of Mardi Gras, but in reality it was just coincidence.

  • Pumpkin Smoothies
    Breakfast,  Drinks

    Pumpkin Smoothie

    How many cans of pumpkin have you been through already this season? I’m only on my second, actually. I think I’ve been able to keep my pumpkin usage to a minimum so far because the weather in Nashville just hasn’t been welcoming fall foods quite yet.