Hi, Spring.

Hi, Spring.
It’s us—the kids and me. We’re here to play. Well, the kids are here to play. My husband is here to play, too. Me? I’m learning. I’m putting flower seeds in the dirt, but I’m still scared of most insects, and I don’t really like that grass smell that clings to clothes even after we come inside. Mostly I’m trying to keep the baby from swallowing pieces of sticks. I’m also a little concerned about whatever might be in that hole my son is sticking his fingers in. Something had to make that hole, correct? What made that hole? I’d really like to know what made that hole, and I’d also really like to know if it bites. But I’m learning. I’m learning to be out here to play. Anyway, thanks for coming, Spring.
With love from an indoorsy mama ❤️