7 Christmas Treat Ideas for 2018
Christmas is less than a week away! Since this will be my last post before Christmas Day, and since it’s been a while since I’ve done a recipe roundup for you, so let’s talk about a few options for Christmas treats.
Cranberry Pistachio Cheese Ball I love a good cheese ball. (Shh… Now is not the time to remind me of my lactose intolerance.) I brought this cheese ball to a wedding I catered this fall, and it was the crowd’s favorite! This recipe makes a small cheese ball perfect for a cozy date night at home or a cheese platter. If you want to make a standard-sized cheese ball, double everything!
Chex Mix Basically my favorite snack EVER and definitely my road trip snack of choice. Anyone else a bigger fan of salty snacks than sweet stuff? Fresh-from-the-oven, homemade chex mix will send my self control straight out the window.
Dark Chocolate Peppermint Bark Peppermint bark is easy to make, and someone has to bring it to every holiday gathering, right? I make mine with dark chocolate because, well, I personally believe it’s the best chocolate. Very solid reasoning.
Cloud Snickerdoodles These aren’t your typical snickerdoodles, but I have a feeling you’ll love them anyway.
Dark Chocolate Cranberry Pistachio Cookies Another cookie option if you’re looking for a slightly more adventurous flavor. And these are dairy-free!
Cranberry Christmas Tea Clearly I can’t get enough of the cranberries around here, but the color feels too festive to leave out. This tea combines cranberries with orange and spice for a tasty hot drink option, plus it doubles as a simple way to make your house smell delicious.
Honey Chai This one is another option for making your house smell incredible, and I think there are few drinks more cozy and comforting than a cup of hot chai. Make a big batch of either of these teas if you’re having company.
I’ll be back next Thursday with a SPARKLY recipe for New Year celebrations!