Cast Iron Skillet Burgers
Well, it’s been a while… I had a baby! He’s very cute, and we are big fans, obviously. And, as expected, I disappeared from the blog. I’m okay with that, but I’d love to pop on here from time to time and share a recipe. Or perhaps even something besides a recipe because even I can admit that there’s more to life than food. Actually, I’m second-guessing that statement now that I made it. Kidding.
It’s nap time for the little guy right now (I think I need to come up with a cute nickname for him to use around here), so I thought I’d share our favorite burger recipe with you!
I made these last week and couldn’t be bothered to get out the actual camera so I shot this on my iPhone. I could however be bothered to carry a hot skillet of burgers out to the chair in the living room in order to get better lighting. Somehow shooing the cat away from the meat sitting in his favorite chair sounded like less effort in that moment than opening a closet door to retrieve the camera. I can’t explain this.
Anyway, this is not elaborate by any means, and it’s really more of a method than an actual recipe, but it’s on fairly heavy rotation for dinner around here. Oliver says they’re the best burgers in Nashville, which seems like a bit of a stretch to me, but hey, I’m glad he’s happy.
I rarely make these the exact same way twice. The Worcestershire sauce can easily be swapped with soy sauce to provide a similar savory/salty flavor. The paprika can be replaced with another spice if you’re into that. Onion powder is a great addition. If you don’t feel like mincing garlic, garlic powder does just fine. You get the picture–just follow your stomach here. Taste as you go. Just kidding–DO NOT taste raw meat as you go. Wow, I can’t believe you were about to do that. Crisis averted.
My favorite way to serve these is with cheddar cheese, caramelized onions, and mustard on a brioche bun. (Aldi, who should sponsor me, has good brioche buns!)

Cast Iron Skillet Burgers
These basic burgers are cooked to your liking in a cast iron skillet--no grill required!
- 1 lb ground beef
- 1/4 cup breadcrumbs
- 1 egg
- 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce (or soy sauce)
- 3 cloves garlic (minced)
- 1 1/2 tsp paprika
- 1/4 tsp black pepper
- pinch of salt
- 1 tbsp butter
- cheese (optional)
Combine all ingredients but the butter and optional cheese in a medium mixing bowl. I know it's not glamorous, but "clean hands are a cook's best tool" definitely applies here.
Divide into four patties, about 3/4 inch thick. Place on a cutting board, plate, or baking sheet and slide into the freezer for 15 minutes. This helps the burgers firm up and hold together better while cooking.
While the burger patties are in the freezer, preheat a cast iron skillet over medium heat on the stove. Melt the butter in the pan right before you're ready to cook.
Add burgers to the pan straight from the freezer and cook for 3 to 5 minutes. Depending on the size of your cast iron skillet, you may need to do this in batches. Flip the burgers when they're as brown as you want them and add cheese on top if you'd like. Cover the skillet with a lid, and cook for another 3 to 5 minutes. I like my burgers well done, so I cook for close to 5 minutes on each side, but if you like them medium or rare, ease off on the cooking time.

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Oliver Payne
In case anyone is curious, I still stand by my statement above.