
  • Desserts

    Peach & Cherry Crisp

    Anyone else out there just NOT a huge fan of Valentine’s Day? I mean, I’m all for love and chocolate and flowers, but can we skip some of this other stuff?

  • Dinner

    Southwestern Veggie Chili

    Super Bowl Sunday is in three days, and that’s good news for me. Now that’s not because I like football, but because I happen to love basically every other aspect of the Super Bowl. Clever commercials? Yep. Over-the-top halftime shows? Absolutely. All the snacks I could dream of? YES, PLEASE.

  • Dinner

    Red Cabbage Stir Fry

    I feel pretty good about this one, y’all. If we had a “meal rotation”–you know, the list of dinner recipes you cycle through all the time–this recipe would absolutely make the cut. The truth is that we have no real “meal rotation” in this house.